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  2. Desks
  3. Personalize your Floorplan

Customize your Desks and Zones

How to define areas, tag, name and disable desks.

This article will guide you through the customization process for your office. If you haven't set up your basic Floor Plan yet, please go to this article and follow the steps. 

Define Areas

This feature lets you create specific areas within your floor plan. Areas can be defined for different teams, different functions, or based on any other categorization that suits your organizational needs.

For example, you could define areas for the 'Marketing Team,' 'Quiet Zone,' 'Collaboration Area,' etc.

Tag Desks

The 'Tag Desks' feature helps you to categorize and identify desks more easily.

You might tag desks based on their location, size, equipment, or any other characteristic relevant to your organization.

To tag a desk, select it and create the desired tags in the 'Add New Tag' field. After creating a tag, just click on it and select any desk that needs this tag.


Name Desks

Naming your desks can be a fun and efficient way to identify them.

You could name them by their:

  • location,

  • their purpose,

  • a number

  • or even with something creative.

Disable Desks

If you have a desk that is temporarily not in use or under maintenance, you can disable it. To do this, click on the 'Disable Desks' button and select the desks you want to disable. A disabled desk will not be available for booking or use until you enable it again.

Please continue to this Article, to assign desks to users, groups and create policies.